This text is quoted from Microsoft Knowledge Base: Windows NT allows you to automate the logon process by storing your password and other pertinent information in the Registry database. NOTE: This feature allows other users to start your computer and use the account you establish to automatically logon. Also, timing conflicts can occur. For example: If you have several network transports loaded, enabling automatic logon may make Windows NT attempt to connect to network resources before the network transports are completely loaded. Use the Registration Information Editor (REGEDT32.EXE) to add your logon information, as follows: WARNING: Using Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious, system-wide problems that may require you to reinstall Windows NT to correct them. Microsoft cannot guarantee that any problems resulting from the use of Registry Editor can be solved. Use this tool at your own risk. 1. Start REGEDT32.EXE and locate the following Registry subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft \Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon 2. Establish your domain name, account name, and password, using the values you would normally type when logging on. You should assign the following values: DefaultDomainName DefaultUserName DefaultPassword NOTE: The DefaultPassword value may not exist. If it doesn't, from the Edit menu, choose Add Value. In the Value Name field, type: "DefaultPassword" (without the quotation marks). Select REG_SZ for the Data Type. In the String field, type your password. Save your changes. Also, if no DefaultPassword string is specified, Windows NT automatically changes the value of the AutoAdminLogon key from 1 (true) to 0 (false), thus disabling the AutoAdminLogon feature. 3. From the Edit menu, choose Add Value. Enter AutoAdminLogon in the Value Name field. Select REG_SZ for the Data Type. Enter 1 in the String field. Save your changes. 4. Exit REGEDT32. 5. Exit Windows NT and turn off your computer. 6. Restart your computer and Windows NT. You should be able to logon automatically. The Vortex BBS For Windows 414-352-3654 414-352-6505